Dear friends of the Global Ecovillage Network!
We would love to know whether you will join us for this year’s GEN Conference: Connecting Communities for a Sustainable World, taking place from July 7-12, 2013 in Schweibenalp - Switzerland.
We are expecting at least 200 participants, coming from more than 70 ecovillage projects in over 40 countries.
Together, we will learn lessons from existing ecovillages; meet engaged GEN-networkers from all over the planet, including GEN-Europe, Africa, Asia, the America’s and the Middle East; look at how traditional villages can transition to ecovillages for large-scale transformation of societies; explore how an alliance of global support and friendship can help shift the current status quo; and, above all, find out how to express our love for the world in shared journeys that are fun instead of hard work!!
The NextGEN circles of GEN will play a prominent role, with young representatives from all continents sharing about their work, their hopes and inspiration.
Schweibenalp is a community of 30 years standing. A core team of about 20 people live and work together at 1100 m altitude in the Swiss Alps, with an amazing view on the Brienz Lake and the Rothorn Mountain Chain. The food will be provided, as much as possible, from their own permaculture garden.
Please let us know as soon as possible whether you can make it! Please sign up before June 5 to support us in our organization of the event.
Also, please remember that
- If you come from an ecovillage or ev-network that is a member of GEN–Europe, the conference is free for up to 5 representatives, with a discount for more
- If you are an individual supportive member of GEN-Europe (Friends of GEN), you are entitled to a discount on the conference fee (You can sign up here, if you want!)
- Anyone can apply for a discount. It is most important for us to have you with us!
Please know that any money raised through this conference goes towards supporting the work of GEN.
You can find more information about the program here. See the GEN conference-poster here or find it attached.
Please apply here!
We hope to see you soon!
GEN Conference 2013 Team
GEN - Global Ecovillage Network